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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Which Path?

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Lesson on Josh. 24:15


"Choose you this day whom ye will serve….but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord" (Joshua 24:15).

Two young boys grew up in Blantyre, Scotland. One grew up and gave his life to be a missionary in the darkest jungles of Africa. As his funeral procession wound its way through the streets of London, (for the bearers had carried his body 600 miles to the coast for transport back to England) amid the crowd stood an old man weeping bitterly. This man, old beyond his years gently explained, to anyone that would listen, how he and the deceased had played together in Blantyre. When the distinguished man had surrendered to Christ for mission work, they drifted apart as friends. The lost man remarked, "Now Davy is honored by everybody, but I am a poor old drunkard." Davy was David Livingstone and the drunkard, a nameless nobody.

Now we don't know much about either man's childhood other than what the man in the street was proclaiming. But one thing is for sure, they had a very similar background but one chose to follow God and the other did not. As we can see by the story, the man that chose the path of pleasure had an end that led nowhere but destruction. But the other who chose selfless service to God had a life that was full of celebration.

The decisions you make now in your youth will affect the outcome of your life down the road. Have you ever heard the phrase, "Play now, pay later"? It is so true. If you decide now that you are going to sow your "wild oats" and party with your friends, not read your Bible, or even talk to God on a daily basis, how will you know what God wants for your life?  If now you stay focused on God and remain faithful to Him and determine in your heart that you will serve the Lord and never steer away from that, God will use you.

God may need you for a simple task like witnessing to your friends at school or greeting people at the door of the church as they arrive, no matter what you do for Him, you will be serving God and that is what He asks. Have a servant's heart! Your determination now will pay off with big dividends later in Heaven when God rewards you with crowns for your hard work you did for Him on earth.

Choose today who you will follow!

Follow Christ, and great will be your reward in Heaven.

Follow the ways of the devil and the world, and it leads to a miserable life and sure destruction.